Feb 2017

It has been another wonderful month, focussing strongly on meditation.
I have also rediscovered yoga so trying to bring that into the daily routine.

We had some pretty epic thunderstorms this month that made the house shake, in a week or two we have an arborist friend coming to remove trees that threaten the house so that will be a big relief for the next storms.

So many amazing times have been had, there have been lots of visitors and we have acquired kayaks for river adventures, but have not adventured yet. 
So much time spent swimming in the dam. Well not really swimming, we float around with pool noodles and let the little rainbow fish nibble on us.
The dam currently has earthworks going on, reinforcing the dam wall just in case the wet season really does arrive and it overfills.. so no swimming for me at the moment. It sounds like army tanks are coming over the hill for the last three days.

I am working on resolving the last of my health issues, practicing vipassana sorted out most of my chronic injury pains, once I did the 10 day course it was like they had disappeared, I wonder if it was psychosomatic, like emotional trauma from old injuries presenting as physical pain. Anyway thats gone so I was still reinjuring myself fairly frequently due to lack of core strength, I would get displaced ribs and pinched nerves that felt like knives in my back making it painful to breathe, but yoga is giving me lots of core strength and flexibility very quickly. Jess’ sister is a yoga instructor and came to stay with us, made a routine just for me which is doing wonders.

So the only physical complaint I have at the moment is itchy legs – i think the grass here is setting me off – and an old liver complaint, it seems to get blocked and swollen and sore sporadically and it is very uncomfortable and inconvenient, so I found this technique to flush out thickened bile and stones from your liver (symptoms sound just like what going on for me) where you eat raw foods for a week then drink tablespoons of citrus juice and olive oil every fifteen minutes all day and it purges your liver. I am enjoying eating raw foods and using this as my diet to do my ceremony, but I am really looking forward to a lamb stew at the end of it all. I have been loving makig stock and broth from bones and turning it into stews and curries. Makes me feel very healthy. 

All the plants and cactus are growing very quickly now, they seem to have adjusted nicely, however I am having trouble making new cactus grafts, seems like everything I do is getting infected and failing, but I will keep trying different techniques until I figure it out.

This chap came in the bedroom today and knocked a picture off the wall and it smashed on the ground. Naughty snake


First mango of the tree – well the first I got. The bats and rats have been smashing them, Ithink we have lost half the crop already. I wonder if I can get some kind of ultrasonic deterrent for the bats..


This graft was at Jess’ shop in Melbourne where it got spidermite damage. It was treated with white oil and recovered nicely but now seems to be pupping in spirals. PRetty cool.


This guy wanted to get in our roof but he was too big and got stuck, had to get out backwards.


The biggest wasp I have seen in the house, couldnt get a better picture because I was  a little intimidated.. it was about the length of my thumb.


This one speaks for itself.

We have had lots of friendly spiders in the house, they seem to watch what we are doing of an evening. We had friends round the other day and put music on and a huntsmen appeared to be dancing it kept spinning round in circles clockwise and counterclockwise. Never seen anything like it.


Cute! But have to wee elsewhere. Keep lid closed from now on.


Cool Cicada, had a damaged wing, Nice patterns.



Snake in the bamboo forrest.


This is the most common dragonfly I see up here. He kindly held still for me.


Unusual coloring..



This was another monster bug but this one held real still for me. Again almost as big as my thumb.



Thats it for now!