Week Eleven

Snakes! I love them. Lots of snake action in the house at the moment. The brown tree snakes has taken up residence in the corner of my lounge room during the day. Very discrete and non threatening. Needs a name but it hasn’t come to me yet.

I have had a fun week. Went to a nice new friends party, made new friends, visited The Channon market for the first time. It was the 40th annniversary of the market. Very big! Bustling with everything. Lots of music and great food and good stuff. I bought some plants for the garden, I’ll detail that next week. Definitely a place for me at the market. Going to have an awesome stall one day.

So there were some setbacks this week. Something has eaten all my vegie seedlings. Well, the ones I put in the ground anyway. Very frustrating, but to be expected I guess. Looks like vegies will be needing full rat proof enclosures. Thats going to be a bit of effort and some cash expense. Fortunately the animals haven’t eaten anything in pots, (yet) so Istill have some seedlings to be working with.
If anyone has some seeds they would like to share, Im keen on anything edible, Iam starting from scratch so all is welcome, but particularly keen on chillies and herbs.

Iturned the hot water on for the first time since arriving. I am having a guest next week to help me with permaculture design (Yay Audrey!) and I want her to feel comfortable and have the full luxury experience. She says she is fine sharing with snakes so I think it will all be ok.

This is mittens, the carpet python. Mittens has reappeared in the yard this week. Haven’t seen her for weeks, but shes back.

Mittens found the rat trap. She wasn’t going to let it go, I got a couple of long sticks and opened up the cage, Mittens missed the opportunity and left again.

This little fella flies around making as much noise as a blowfly. Cute.

Black cockatoos are back. They are elusive to the good photos though. I will work on it. Im told some local indigenous folklore says that the number of black cockatoos you see and the direction they are flying tells you how many days til it rains and from what direction it will come. So far this has been true from my observations.

This isn’t my photo, but this is the new discovery. Land mullets. They have been elusive to the camera so far, but I suspect they may be eating my vegies.

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